This past week I've been tagged by my two friends
Alyssa and April. I decided to do them both at the same time, so here they are:
Alyssa's tag:
Here are the rules which must be posted on your blog if you are tagged:
Link to your tagger and post these rules.
Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
Tag 7 people and list their names (linking to them).
Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.
1. Even though I seem to be a healthy 27 year old woman, I've had three surgeries in the past three years. I had appendicitis four months after my husband (just six weeks after I gave birth to Whitney). While they were taking out my appendix, they fixed a hernia I got from being pregnant with Whitney. I've had that hernia reparied again just last year. And to think, I'm in the prime of my life!!!
2. I have a political split personality. I'd have to consider myself as an American Democrat. I've hesitated coming out with this statement (I think I'd be shot by some people for saying this), but I'm afraid it's true. However, I'd consider myself as a Canadian conservative. The funny thing is, I've never really flip-flopped on my views, it's just that an American Democrat's views would be considered to be pretty conservative up in Canada, and I think most Canadians would have a stroke if they realized how much more conservative one can get being an American Republican. Nevertheless, I'm pretty stereotypical Canadian in my diplomacy, so you can have any political view you want and I'll still be your friend:)
3. Ever since I moved to college, I've never lived in the same place for more than three years.
4. I'm a closet writer. Not successful, that's why I don't really tell anyone about it. I've written one full novel and I'm close to finishing a second. I've submitted freelance pieces to newspapers, magazines, etc. but so far no luck.
5. I love Jane Austen, the Beatles, and Sarah Mclachlan
6. I hate it when radio stations play Christmas music on Halloween
7. I want to go back and get my Masters in Speech Language Pathology
April's tag:
8 Things you might not know about me
Well, I posted the first seven above :) and number 8 is...
I have gotten to the point where I prefer my own cooking to that of a restaurant's. It's become such a hobby of mine, that I prefer my Chicken Parmigana to any other Italian restaurant I go to. If only I could hire someone to bus tables for me :)
That's it! I tag...Heidi, Laura, Rachel, Robyn, Sarah Severson, Debbie, and Crystal