Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas to All!

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I'm trying to send these out before Christmas, and have done about half of them. I'm still trying to send out more, so if you haven't gotten yours, please don't be offended. Enjoy the best time of the year!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It's beginning to feel a lot (more) like Christmas

I would say "look" but we've lost most of the snow that came over the weekend. I'm still holding out for a white Christmas--a girl can hope right? We have been so super busy with Steve interviewing with jobs, I'll be honest, it can be sometimes hard to focus on the Christmas Spirit when our minds are so very occupied with our future. We did take the kids to see Santa at Walmart again, and it's been such a blessing to have them around at this time, because they're the ones that are always reminding me that "It's Christmas!" They are SO excited, they love playing with their Fisher-Price Nativity and keep talking about Chistmas and Santa (Whitney is especially very serious about Santa this year as you can see in the picture). Yay for kids!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Oh the weather outside is frightful...

in some places. Here it's beautiful. Lawrence totally missed the ice storm, but we did get a beautiful touch of winter in some places. Mostly foliage.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

The Story of Walker

Here is the second part of Walker's story. The Boy in the Moon

I am just amazed at the quality of so many people in this series. Other parents with children with CFC. The children themselves. Like many of the parents stated it would be so hard to know your child was suffering and had no idea how to help them. I think it would be so hard for Ian and his wife to make the decision to send Walker to a home. Back in the day (I'm talking 1950s-1970s) Children with disabilities were sent to homes, away from their families and never seen again. One of my friends from book club, her husband is a twin and his twin sister was born disabled and sent away. He barely knows her and wishes he did. I think it takes great courage to raise these kids, and greater courage to do what's best for them, even if it means sending them away or sharing the load with others. Wow, the more I read this story, the more I'm amazed.

Monday, December 03, 2007

The Boy in the Moon

Today as I was perusing through my favourite websites, I found this incredible story/video at the Globe and Mail. In a world where such horrible things and human mistreatment are brodcasted 24 hours a day, seven days a week, it was shocking to see such a story as this featured. And after you read/view the story, it seems like all the other junk in the world is nothing compared to the love of this father for his son. I really hope you'll follow the link and view the story. I tried really hard to find the embedded code to post it here, but it wasn't available. It's worth the effort. It is very profound, especially to those of us who are parents.

Meet The Boy in the Moon