Monday, December 03, 2007

The Boy in the Moon

Today as I was perusing through my favourite websites, I found this incredible story/video at the Globe and Mail. In a world where such horrible things and human mistreatment are brodcasted 24 hours a day, seven days a week, it was shocking to see such a story as this featured. And after you read/view the story, it seems like all the other junk in the world is nothing compared to the love of this father for his son. I really hope you'll follow the link and view the story. I tried really hard to find the embedded code to post it here, but it wasn't available. It's worth the effort. It is very profound, especially to those of us who are parents.

Meet The Boy in the Moon


At 12:49 PM, Blogger TGAM online said...

Hi Sarah, I'm the web designer for The Boy in the Moon on Glad to see your positive comments on the story. I just wanted to mention that we have promo embed code available on each story page in the lower right column. Look for the "Link to this story" section. Take care.


At 2:13 PM, Blogger Sarah S said...

I just read through the story - it's well written and an interesting insight into such a difficult situation and life. I'll have to go back on Dec 8 and read the next chapter! Thanks for blogging about it. It makes me wonder how their daughter Hayley is affected by this (since my brother is mentally handicapped and he had lots of issues growing up - it definitely affects the siblings of these kids as it does the parents). Oh life is hard!

At 1:05 AM, Blogger April said...

So interesting. I haven't gotten through the whole thing yet, but I'm plugging away at it.

Such a different point of view, I think.

How are things? Any big plans for Christmas???


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