We need routine!
Another long day of staying at home. We've had blizzard weather today and have recieved 8 inches of snow expecting more tomorrow. The city has urged us to get some rest, fall into a routine but to stay in "alert mode." So what does that mean? Does it mean I can move my washing machine back to the basement and not have to worry about sewage back up?
The kids have been out of school for 2.5 weeks now, and they will have missed 3 weeks of school before they can go back on Monday. We had days off for the blizzard a few weeks ago, spring break, 1 week of flood, 1 week of flood recovery--it's getting insane staying in our house for all this time. Good thing we went to the cities for a few days over spring break!
NDSU is debating what they are going to do with the 3 weeks of school the students have missed. You just can't miss 3 weeks of school in college.
I've decided I'm going to make a routine for tomorrow. I'm going to do some school work with the kids, finish peeling off that wallpaper, move a few things down to the basement again, and maybe even convince Steve to move our washer downstairs again. We also have 6 bags of garbage in the garage since we haven't had garbage pickup for 2 weeks, so maybe I'll get Steve to run those to the dump.
Things I am grateful for:
Awesome city leaders
Awesome Fargo citizens
No sewage backup
No water in my house/basement
We've had power the entire time!
We've had running water the entire time!
All of your prayers