Flood Update 2010
As you've probably heard via CNN and the Today Show, and other "news" networks, Fargo is facing another flood AGAIN. This time though, the crest is predicted 2 ft shorter than last year. However, this year is not nearly as stressful as last year. We were close to a million sandbags even before our "surprise crest" this Sunday (they were predicting the first or second week of April), and all of the clay dikes and sandbag dikes are already up. Contrary to what the media will have you believe, we are not in dire straits. In fact 2 days ago on CNN the headline was, "Fargo desperate for help"--not really folks, the mayor was just asking for some more volunteers. Actually Fargo feel pretty confident--not cocky confident, but we're feeling a lot more safe than last year. So, in case you were wondering, that's our side of the story :)