Beck Family
Welcome to our blogspot. I hope this will be a place where friends and family will get to see what we're up to, and what's new in our lives!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I love the three head store!

Whitney asks me every once in a while if we are going to the "Three head store" today. The "three head store" is really the Dakota Boys Ranch (a thrift store benifiting at risk teenagers). It really is the best thrift store ever. Target donates all of their brand new surplus stuff, and since I love Target, that works out for me just fine. Here are some of my finds recently:
Sporto boots for myself ($6):
A brand new Olive Kids bedskirt for Joshua for just 7 bucks (This one is regularly $35)
A clock (once again brand new) to match Whitney's Ikea Flower light for 5 bucks:
Can I just say I love this place!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
My Minnesota Valentine
While I was running this morning, I heard this cute little poem on Minnesota Public Radio. I embedded the audio--there's just something about hearing the author read their own work.
A Minnesota Valentine--by Peter Smith
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways
In Minnesota this time of year, practicality pays.
I love thee for thy calories converted to heat,
In the night, bun to bun, under the sheets.
Never mind lingerie. Let passion take a hiatus.
Give me two parts of your flannel to one of my flatus.
For your car starting skills, so adroit and so able,
As you raise up my hood and attach your jumper cables,
Then stand on a snowbank made by some passing plow,
And tell me to "Crank it." I'm so hot for you now.
For your blower, your shovel, your roof rake, your salt,
For your scarf, hat and chopper snow removal gestalt.
Love may or may not work in mysterious ways,
But in Minnesota this time of year, practicality pays.
I love thee for thy hotdish -- mushroom soup or tomato.
Hamburger. Tuna fish. How you wrangle potatoes.
I love knowing the food on our table tonight's
bound for my waistline tomorrow. It just feels right.
For being considerate. For the love you devote.
For letting me run the TV remote.
For your intuition... Your powers of deduction.
En route to your mother's, all the driving instruction.
How you fill in my blanks and complete every thought.
I don't finish thinking as fast as I ought.
There are Romeos for Juliets and Brad Pitts for Jolies.
In Minnesota, there's pretty much just "You's" and "Me's."
And I speak for all Minnesota men when I say,
I love you. I'm sorry. Happy Valentines Day.