Hello all! We finally got our Internet switched so our connection is no longer dial-up-like, and now high speed. We got home from our trip to Utah last Tuesday, and so here is the update I promised.
Leaving Lawrence was sad and stressful. Packing up our entire apartment really made me really REALLY realize I never want to move again. I wanted to pack up all of our stuff, so I would know where everything was when I unpacked. Lesson learned. Next time let the movers do it. Steve actually got a brown recluse bite on his upper thigh. We really didn't know what it was at first, but after the red, white and blue bulls-eye mark turned into a 3.5 inch purplish/brownish bruise looking thing, we suspected a recluse bite. I didn't take a picture, so I don't have one to post. I'm sure Steve wouldn't appreciate a picture of his upper thigh on the Internet anyways. Lucky, it wasn't worse that we had to go to the ER.
I had great friends help clean my apartment so we could get the deposit back. Daina and Lisa I LOVE YOU!!! Thanks for your hard work. I'm missing all of my Lawrence friends dearly.
After ignoring my children for the two weeks before the move, the move itself, and then flying to Utah for a wedding, let's just say...my children were ticking time bombs. Especially Joshua. We left for the airport at 4am, got into Utah around noon, and ran around doing pre wedding stuff the rest of the night, getting back to Steve's grandma's at 10pm. The kids were FANTASTIC on the airplane and going through airport security. I made a picture schedule so they knew exactly what to expect. Too bad there wasn't a picture schedule for the wedding dinner and ceremony the next day. It was 100 degrees in Utah the day of the wedding, and after pictures and not getting lunch until 3pm, Joshua lost it. With some very ticked off caterers and other people who just don't understand autism, it was time for us to go. It was a beautiful wedding though. Christine looked incredible. Congrats to Dave and Christine!
We are finally home, unpacking our house, and trying to get settled. I feel a little out of my element. I don't know where to shop for the best deals for groceries, garage sales, etc. I guess I'll figure it out in time though. I did find something equivalent to freecycle, and picked up a headboard that I want to paint white for Whitney's room. I'll have to post the pics when I'm done with it.
To all you moms out there--why is it that just as you want to slack off a little, because you want a break because you're life has been a little more stressful or out of whack than usual, you can't because you're kids are feeling the exact same way? What can you do so everyone's happy?
Well, I finish this post with some pics from Utah. Enjoy!
The lovely Dave and Christine. Doesn't she look like Keri Russell to you?

Joshua and me taking a break in the heat.

Heidi and Scarlett--beautiful divas as always

Roomies re-unite--me and Sunny--she's due in just a few weeks. Doesn't she look great!?

Elizabeth and me. We share two loves--English and Cooking! It was so good to see you both!